Shiksha Solutions

Knowledge To Grow

Shiksha Solutions

Knowledge To Grow

We offer a wide range of high quality of Education and extra-curricular activities.

Why Choose Shiksha Solutions?

Shiksha Solutions is a one-stop place for all MBA aspirants. Any MBA candidate can visit our website to get the most up-to-date information about the college and their programme. Not only that, but one may apply to many institutions by completing a single COMMON APPLICATION FORM (which will be approved by multiple colleges). This will save time spent printing hardcopies of numerous colleges, filling them out, scanning them, and returning them to the colleges. Shiksha Solutions has created a Membership Plan with a variety of features to make students’ lives easier and to give the best possible assistance. We are also setting up a campus connection so that any Shiksha Solutions member may contact a current student at the college where he or she plans to enroll. This will assist him in learning more about the college.


Avada University is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally.

  • International focus – our students come from across the globe

  • Residential courses – we encourage learning and growth

  • People not profits – education is a right not a privilege

If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our e-learning packages may be right up your street.


We work endlessly with our students to ensure that they secure admission to the best college of their choice. We do so by understanding a student’s short as well as long term goals and career aspirations. Doing so helps us to chart out a customized career road map for our students to follow and eventually get admitted into their dream university & college  in India . We do not follow the traditional agency commission model and hence our career advice is genuine and bias-free. We are truly concerned about a student’s career and work hard on each and every student application with the utmost sincerity. Our mission is to make the student’s study  journey smooth and seamless right from the time of enrollment up until the student flies out of the best job.

Our vision is to be the most trusted and respected education consultancy in India by offering honest and unbiased career guidance to our students. We want to make education affordable and within reach of deserving candidates. Our ultimate vision is to be a one-stop solution for all student education needs. We want to help our students achieve admits to world-class institutions and reach great heights. We wish to help our students make the right career choice through choosing best specialisation in management like Marketing, Finance, HR , etc . By working on various data parameters of the student, we wish to enable students to choose the career befitting their strengths. We wish to be a pioneer in career counseling together.

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Adhere to the highest professional standards

  • put students interests ahead of our firm’s
  • maintain high standards and conditions for student service
  • observe high ethical standards
  • preserve students confidences
  • maintain an independent perspective
  • manage client and firm resources cost-effectively















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